I was so excited when Lori, a former bride of mine, let me know that she was having twins, and wanted me to document their first year with the Baby Plan. I LOVE newborn sessions and I was super stoked to have a twins newborn session…and good thing, cause I have 2 more sets in the next 2 weeks!
Jenna & Jase did sooooo good during their session, it actually took less time than most single newborn sessions! Jenna was ready for her photo shoot the second they walked in the door, and Jase joined a few minutes later after having a little lunch:) Here are some (oh, who am I kidding…ALOT) of sneak peaks of Baby Jenna & Baby Jase’s newborn twin pictures from this week!
They were so cute, cuddly, and squishy:)
Miss Jenna being a perfect angel:)
And now Jase’s solo photos…he took a few minutes to warm up but then he was super laid back:)