Jessica & Nick’s Wedding was a blast! They were surrounded by family & friends and EVERYONE was ready to have a good time. I don’t think I have ever seen such a packed dance floor!
We started our day with the Groom & his groomsmen playing cards getting ready, and then headed over to hang out with the girls while they helped Jessica get dressed. The couple decided to see each there before the ceremony for pictures at Devou Park overlook, and then we visited some other areas of Devou as well. The ceremony was held in the beautiful St. Peter in Chains downtown, and the reception was at the Madison in the Grand Ballroom.
Thank you both for letting me partake in your festivities! Here are some favorites from Jessica & Nicks’s gorgeous Wedding Day!
This is how guys get ready….
meanwhile the girls were all helping Jessica get dressed…
Jessica was a stunning bride!
First Look….
It was a wee bit sunny at the overlook so after a few quick shots we wandered around the park for some shadier spots to keep our bridal party from making scrunchy faces the whole day:)
SO sweet:)
They had 9 in their wedding party on each side…but they were a very corporative group…or maybe they just knew the sooner we got group shots done, the sooner they could get back not the party bus to drink cool off!
Love Love LOVE this:)
My view:)
Heather’s view:)
So happy that I get to freeze moments of a couple that are SO HAPPY together:) Love this!
Seriously, I think every bridesmaid was crying during this dance:)
I told you that this group was tons of fun…I have no idea what is going on here – it must be a tradition to dance with champagne bottles on your head:)
Ceremony: St Peter in Chains
Reception: The Madison
Hair & Makeup: Anthony’s
Flowers: Petals & Glass
Cake: Afforable Weddings
Music: Maize Music