My husband and I are travelers…I was a flight attendant for almost 10 years, so traveling is in my blood:) We usually take vacations about 10 times a year…Most people settle down after they have babies…but somehow Keith and I just can’t seem to stop planning trips! Chase is 9 months old and he has already been to NC &Va to visit family, Punta Cana DR, Topsail Beach, and now Vegas Baby! But this wasn’t just an impromptu trip for gambling fun…(chase isnt allowed in the casinos anyways), it was a family trip with a special event…my beautiful mom’s wedding!
It was great to get to be there with Mom and Bill while they tied the knot and to visit with them in a fun place! I took lots of pictures of course, but here are just a few of our Vegas 2010 Trip!
Congrats Mom & Bill!
Bellagio Fountain Show Wedding Day!!!!
Family Pictures!