Wow! How on earth did my first baby turn into a 4 year old! Being your mom has forever changed me, although I can’t even remember a time when I wasn’t your mommy. You are the most handsome, loving, SWEET & CUDDLY, empathetic, caring, FUNNY, rambunctious, outgoing & charismatic little guy I have ever met! You have more personality in one of your fingers than most have in their whole body!
I love you with all my heart and am so proud of the well mannered, smart, and obedient boy you have turned into. You are the absolute best big brother Connley could have ever hoped for & you are the best son your Daddy and I could have dreamed up.
“I love you to the moon and back, and then back to the moon and back again”
Love you Chase Monkey! Happy Birthday!
Love, Mommy